
VOL. 09: One Day in the Philippines

Team GRID talks about putting Volume 09 together, and why it was so important to share.

How much can happen in one day?

When we first had the idea to put together GRID Vol. 09, 24 hours was a lot of time. But a lot’s changed since then. In this video, we talk about how we put together this issue, and why more than ever, we wanted to share it with you.

Buy the GRID Vol. 09 Bundle here:

Your purchase will include:

  • A digital copy, available for download;
  • A print copy of the magazine;
  • Access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content

Fifty percent of our sales from this issue will also go to the AHA Learning Center, a non-profit organization that runs a free after-school program for public school students. Recently, AHA launched a home-school program on Facebook that reaches thousands of Filipino students affected by Covid-19.  

Learn more:

This issue would not be possible without the help of partners who share our vision.
GRID Vol. 09 is brought to you by Eastern Communications.

#GRIDWasHere #OneDayInThePH #FirstConnectionsAreTheStrongest

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