
30 Minutes With Stella Kalaw

GRID’s Francisco Guerrero sits down with esteemed photographer (and cousin) Stella Kalaw to talk about how and why they do the things they do.

GRID’s Francisco Guerrero sits down with esteemed photographer (and cousin) Stella Kalaw to talk about how and why they do the things they do.


Photo by Francisco Guerrero


Photo by Stella Kalaw

About Stella Kalaw

Stella Kalaw was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. She earned a BA in Communication Arts from De La Salle University Manila and a BA in Photography from Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. Her work has been exhibited at the Singapore International Photography Festival, The Ayala Museum and the Silverlens Gallery in Manila, Wall Space Gallery, Kala Art Gallery, Rayko Gallery and at the University of California Riverside Museum of Photography. The Banco Sentral ng Pilipinas recently acquired her photographs for inclusion in their prestigious art collection. Stella’s photographs explore narratives rooted from family, memory and places.

View Stella’s work at and read her take on the GRID interview on her blog.

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